Biodiversity and fauna Fostering teaching material and more biodiversity and nature-inclusive working and living. Teaching packages about biodiversity and fauna Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture In the teaching package, Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture at dairy farms for mbo level 3-4, nature-inclusive dairy farm is the key theme. In the teaching package you can find, for instance, the following topics: practical implementations of nature-inclusion at the dairy farm, nature-inclusive farming and circular agriculture, business models for nature-inclusive dairy farming and explanation about results from the instruments Cycle Guide and Biodiversity Monitor dairy farm. Biodiversity and fauna Livestock farming Mbo 3-4 / EQF level 3-4 Teaching package Open teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture The Teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture in Open cultivations for mbo level 3-4 aims for the preservation of biodiversity and offers practical measures for nature-inclusive farming. It introduces the Biodiversity Monitor Arable Farming, introduced in 2023. In the teaching package you can find, for instance, the following topics: translation from biodiversity to practice, offering of practical measures, introduction to the Biodiversity Monitor, development of business models and awareness about social needs. Biodiversity and fauna Open cultivations Mbo 3-4 / EQF level 3-4 Teaching package Open teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture The teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture at dairy farms for mbo level 2 was developed in response to the requests from the education for more teaching material concerning the themes biodiversity, nature-inclusion and circular agriculture at dairy farms. It is based on the teaching package Biodiversity and circular agriculture at dairy farms mbo 3-4. Biodiversity and fauna Livestock farming Mbo 2 / EQF level 2 Teaching package Open teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture The teaching package Biodiversity and Circular Agriculture for vmbo class 3-4 was developed in response to the requests from the education for more teaching material concerning the themes biodiversity, nature-inclusion and circular agriculture. Biodiversity and fauna Livestock farming, Open cultivations, Green space, General Vmbo class 3-4 / EQF level 2 Teaching package Open teaching package